Tuesday, August 4, 2009


4-MATT 24:27

Testify is a Christian Heavy Metal Band out of Visalia, California. The Band plays heavy music with a positive message.They have just finished recording their original CD 24:27 and have had a tremendously positive response from all ages who have heard it. They are now looking forward to booking shows as well as signing with a label.The Band's main influences stem from: Queensryche, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Dio, Iron Maiden and many other metal acts. Through long time friendships, great chemistry and Life experiences which include:Working with John Stone and Francis Buckley from Capital Records.As well as opening for Babylon A.D in the early 90's and playing the first California Cornerstone.The four members have return to their roots with a Heavier Sound. They are also expressing their passion for God and music. They want to spred their positive message to the world."24:27" was recorded exclusively at FAT LABS Studio Visalia, Ca from January 2008 to November 2008. Mastered at Fast Traxx studios in Fresno, Ca.Lyrics written by: TESTIFY. Except for "Death Inside of Me" Lyrics written by Lynn Louise Lowrey Music composed by: TESTIFY Produced by: Dana Long and TESTIFYE ingineered by: Dana Long Mixed by: Dana Long Mastered by: Bill Sayre
Ron Poggione: Vocals
Ron uses Shure mics.
Lynn Louise Lowrey: Vocals on "Death Inside of Me"
Scott Weisenborn: Guitars
Scott uses Bernie Rico jr Guitars,
Mesa Boogie Amplification, Dunlop pics,
Ernie Ball and GHS strings.
John Angle jr: Bass
John uses Hill, Vegier, ESP, And Fender Basses, Ampeg Amplification.
Chuck Hernandez: Drums
Chuck uses DW and PDP Drums And Hardware,
Zildjian Cymbals, And Vic Firth sticks.
Ron Poggione – Lead Vocals
Scott Weisenborn – Guitars
John Angle Jr - Bass
Chuck Hernandez - Drums
Shane Beringer - Drums

Visalia, California is home to Testify and its unique brand of “metal with a message”. And nowhere is this better evident – both musically (hence, the metal) and lyrically (hence, the message) –than on the groups independently released 2009 full length debut 24:27. Drawing the inspiration for the albums title from Matthew 24:27,Testify plays a joining of traditional heavy metal and straightforward hard rock certain to appeal to those whose musical tastes range from Saint to Resurrection Band- and all things in between (including Bride, F.O.G., Final Axe, Shining Force, Spittin Jonah and Stonefuze)

Yes, a bit of variety but the group bases its sound upon a foundation of bone crushing riffs provided by Guitarist Scott Weisenborn. Scott displays a more aggressive side to his playing on the bristling “I Believe” and near speed metal paced “Shout It Out” but can slow things down to the ominous doom-laden sensibilities of “Reborn” and “Judgment Day”. “Lightning Comes” – albums best track – finds him best bestowing his abilities on Lead Guitar (The Soloing here sounds like something Dee Harrington of Saint would come up with.

While Weisenborn lends an element of versatility, it is Vocalist Ron Poggione who imparts the unique flair (and helps give Testify its signature muscle-laden sound)Bringing what can best be described as a diverse Vocal style, Poggione showcases some gruff and husky low end venom on “Sinners Cage” and “Born Again” (two of the albums heavier pieces) while adding a high end touch to “Reborn”, More melodic paces numbers such as the catchy “Off The Ground” and metal ballad “My Sacrifice” even find him smoothing things out a bit (even if only just slightly)Bassist John Angle Jr. and drummer Chuck Hernandez form the low end backbone. Hernandez can touch things up with occasional outbursts of Double Bass (see “I Believe”) while “My Sacrifice” allows Angle’s perseverant Bass to stand out.“I Believe” starts the album with a bang. A three minute explosion of angst-laden Riffs and Power Drumming, the song delivers a wallop in allowing Testify to showcases its all out raw energy in no uncertain terms. The level of passion here almost brings to mind old school Bride. “I Believe” is aptly entitled,
“Off The Ground” slows things to a mid-paced romp. The song actually gives rise to the more melodic based sound (at least in comparison to “I Believe”) with its catchy chorus- all the while highlighting the group’s trademark muscle laden Guitar Sound. Pioggone complements the driving scene with his harsh and Raspy Vocal Delivery, “Sinners Cage” begins its first minute to narration underscored by A Driving Rhythm Guitar. Things really take off as the song reaches its first verse, relentlessly plowing ahead until culminating for a chorus conveyed in a manner every bit as assertive as the music is here. As its title implies, “Sinner’s Cage” talks about the struggle against in,The albums fleeting (1:17) title track features narration from Matthew 24:27-30 accompanied by an acoustic guitar and thunderstorm.Immediately kicking in is mega-cruncher “Judgment Day”. As foreboding a track as you will find, the song features plenty of Pounding Double Bass (during its apocalyptic chorus) and decisive layers of rhythm guitar (shoring up its forceful verses)Yes!, this one might be a bit short (2:37) but it more than makes up for in shear aggression.“Reborn” brings a plodding – almost doom-laden – sound. The song begins to a bass guitar solo before the rhythm guitar gradually fades in. Proceeding to trudge ahead in rumbling fashion, “Reborn” does not peak until obtaining a concise chorus in which Poggione exhibits the full range to his voice.I particularly enjoy how things slow to a near crawl as narration briefly takes over,The message here is simple but straightforward,With its no-frills hard rocking sound, “Second Chance” has classic Rez Band written all over it. In your face guitar riffs, pummeling drums and a relentless attitude prevail as the song establishes a driving environs. Put this on Colours or DMZ and it would sound right at home.“My Sacrifice” is the closest any of the albums material comes to falling within Ballad Territory. The song, interestingly, begins to a Symphonic Keyboard introduction before flowing through its first verse acoustically. Abruptly picking up in pace as the rhythm guitar steps in, “My Sacrifice” moves on to a hard edged chorus in which a no-nonsense message is delivered,Instrumental, the pace picks up for a joining of Lead Guitar and pumping Bass Lines.The energetic “Shout Out” jumps starts at once at an upbeat tempo, roaring at a near speed metal pace to a plethora of unrelenting riffs and a short but brazen Guitar Solo. The song slows somewhat its final minute as the phrase “All is one!” is continuously repeated.“Born Again”, another back to basics hard rocker, crunches through its verses with the rhythm guitar maneuvering in and out of the mix. Breaking out, the song gains even further momentum for a dogged chorus in which the rhythm guitar establishes itself fixed and firm, A power metal direction is taken on “Lightning Strikes”, By far the albums finest piece, this one reflects the bands potential in no uncertain terms, putting in place a sublime setting to go along with its majestic chorus and fast paced run of lead guitar- straight from the Dee Harrington (Saint) school of soloing. “Lightning Strikes” focuses on apocalyptic themes,Album closer “Death Inside Of Me” features the Guest Lead Vocals of Lynn Louise Lowrey (Vixen). What I find to stand out about the song is how the smoother Female Vocal Approach of Lowrey contrasts with the course delivers of Poggione. Musically, “Death Inside Of Me” proves a poignant piece heading in a slow and driving direction with its portent flavorings and overriding low end. And for those who are wondering, Lynn actually functions as Vixen’s Bassist (and not Lead Vocalists)(http://www.holymetalrob.com/)