Sunday, June 21, 2009


Henrik Fellman - Bass
William Rönn - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Niclas Buss - Rhythm & Lead Guitar, Vocals, Keyboards
Jani Stefanovic - Drums
Guest Musichians
Emil Stenros - Growling Vocals
Simon Granlund - Clean Vocals
Egon Veevo - Bass
Randall Barres

Finland produces yet another well rounded melodic metal band called Hilastherion. Hilastherion’s first full length release clocks in at over 65 minutes and is worth the listen to every second. Each track packs a punch that is quite delightful and yet heavy enough to call you back for more. Lyrically, there has not been a recent band that has produced such heartfelt and honest words into lyrical form, save Iron Maiden. Musically a full platter is delivered in melodic death form. True to form there are melodies, but not the type you are used to hearing. Each of the melodies is unique to Hilastherion’s work and not a recycled sound from other bands. Congratulations, a feat few bands achieve!(No Dark Message In!No Hidding Message In,Very Cleared of what they Stand for,Very Spiritualists,What Else Could you ask for being Blessed on this blast band and production,it's just my favo plato de Comida after from A Hungryday of Working,This is Just the kind of band I love! their love for Christ its very cleared and evidence in every Song.Wow, what an album! This albums stands out in all ways. Musically it's filled with bonecrushing Melodic Death Metal. Fans of secular band Children of Bodom will be knocked to the ground when they hear this excellent album. If you ever wanted a quality Christian Metal band in this genre Hilastherion is what you have been looking for. What really stands out is the heavy rhythms and the tasty guitar solos. If you enjoy the melodic harmonies of Schaliach you will also greatly enjoy this, although Hilastherion's sound is much faster. Lyrically, this is also one of my favourite albums, since the lyrics are both very honest and Christcentered, and you can really see that the band cares for people and wants their best. An outstanding album in all ways that you can't afford to miss if you are a fan of Heavy & Melodic Death Metal!(Finnish melodic death metal, ala Immortal Souls, astounding guitar work!)nice guitar leads and solos, keyboards laying down the lush carpet the other musicians work on, but everything nicely loosened up with some breaks.“Taken From Darkness” probably is its playing time of 70 minutes, which is simply too long for an album such as this one. Not that it really gets boring, as they are trying their best to bring some variety to the plate, but in the end the album still begins to drag once you get past half time (“Judgement Day” especially comes to mind), which clouds the overall impression a little Written By( )

Speaking of the instrumental sounds: you have two guitars that flail melodic death rhythms all over the place, yet with control and accuracy; you have a bass guitar that somewhat lays under the twin guitars as somewhat of a third rhythm instrument mirroring guitar riffs; drums you have a 3-D effect of fast punchy hits and beats; vocally you have a caustic burning sound that adds weight to the final mix of the sound. Furthermore, you also have keyboards/synthesizers that enhance the atmosphere of each song without dominating the track’s overall sound. In summation, a priceless work of metal sounds palatable for anyone searching for the truth of melodic death metal genius!!! This release contains no filler, nor crap, just straight up metal. Hilastherion have something to say, and you should all listen. Hilastherion – the fearless wielder of the sword!!!!
Eleven of eleven songs come recommended to you metal fans:

Sick and Rotten World; a powerful intro with all strings pounding the daylights of the darkness. Not to mention, the drums are hard hitting and power-packed. The first taste of unique melodies, Hilastherion-style. Vocally you will be amazed of the brutal sense of bitterness.

See The Pain In His Face; All together separate sounding from Iron Maiden, the introductory melody brings to mind the pre-emptive genius Iron Maiden’s guitar duo introduced with their first release, specifically the song “Transylvania”. Don’t let the lyrics scare you it’s only light exposing the darkness of the world. The rapid pace of the instruments is just right.

Jesus Rules; a song laden with tremendous break downs and searing twin guitar leads. The bass guitar thunders and echoes the introduction; while the drums clap against the audio landscape. What’s really cool about this song is that although the vocals are in death metal style, they remain clearly comprehendible. It’s always nice to hear what they are saying.

Why; this song addresses the question of WHY! Many folks think that Christians have it easy and never suffer – this song addresses that topic and dispels the myth of “complete bliss on earth”. Yeah we all go through life, but Hilastherion sum it up in one word, “Why”. A low volume guitar riff hammers into a full sonic blast of simultaneous instrumental salvos.

A Sinner’s Song Of Desperation; high octane guitar runs punctuated with double bass drums and synthesizer highlights. This track showcases one of the stronger vocal performances on the disc, more of a mid-range tone with occasional grunts plus the flow well with the ineffable guitar tones.

Battle Of The Flesh; not for the faint of heart or those who refuse to hear the truth. The musical driven precision leads you to believe this is going to be a short song, because how can anyone play that long and steady without a break, other than NILE or RUSH. Clocking in at over 6 minutes the integrity of the metal sound remains and intact and intense as ever – as heard from the guitar solos.

Save My Soul; twin guitars plead for relief where the drums beat the rhythm in from all sides of the Dolby sound spectrum. Another track containing carefully planted guitar solos.

Taken From Darkness; title track has a lot of atmosphere with airy keys and dueling guitars in two different tones on two different sides, one left and one right channel. Excellent work, a movement started by Smith & Murray and enhanced by Extol! In the midst of all the speed lies the solid bass guitar foundation and harsh vocals.

Judgement Day; a work filled with guitar pinches, a soliloquy, unforeseen breakdowns, all wrapped up in a metalcore shell. For fans of As I Lay Dying and Imperial – this one is for you.

A Fallen One; this is reminiscent of Andy Laroque’s early 90s work in terms of palm mutings and topped with harpsichord sounding keys. An intense early 90s thrash sense of urgency while maintaining originality.

Story Of John; a truly epic musical adventure. It features highs and lows in the sound as well as the running lyrical themes. The guitar virtuosity shines through as Yngwie Malmsteen; but it’s not him! The foundation continues to be solid and dependable to create a wall of sound necessary for metal success.
Thanks to Hilastherion for sharing the superb work of art!(